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Writer's pictureMattéo Anthonioz

Between the two rounds: where do we stand?

We have now reached the halfway point of this 2022 presidential election inter-round. Marine Le Pen, Emmanuel Macron, how are they preparing for the debate? How are they conducting their campaign to win back the votes of the left? On the left side, how is it digesting the defeat? On the right, is Valérie Pécresse's appeal for donations successful? In short, "And after, what will there be?"...

Between Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen, there is currently a race to see who will make the most left-wing statements. Indeed, the "popular bloc" being absent from this second round, convincing the almost 30% that the left-wing candidates have represented in total is an essential issue that could very well tip the balance to one side or the other...

Also, the fight for ecology is back in the public debate, even though it had been absent throughout the first round and that neither of the two candidates (according to GreenPeace, in a report comparing programs on ecological issues) had been deemed suitable to face the climate challenge. Indeed, Marine Le Pen had received the mention "Dangerous (also) for the climate" and Emmanuel Macron, the mention "Already one quinquennium lost for the climate", which says a lot about the "green" ambitions of the candidates. On the other hand, the candidates Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Yannick Jadot or Philippe Poutou, had received more than honorable mentions for their ecological program...

All in all, a very busy program for the two finalists although the debate is imminent... Marine Le Pen has already announced that she will isolate herself to "prepare" and "rest" in order to debate in the best conditions... Emmanuel Macron will continue to work until tomorrow evening.

At the same time, on the left, the defeat is very hard to swallow (400 000 votes missing to Jean-Luc Mélenchon to be in the second round). Nevertheless, among the activists, a watchword prevails: determination, as evidenced by a Facebook post of an insoumis: "Disappointed but deter'!" The left has already turned to what it calls the "3rd round": the legislative elections. This is the only way, it says, to oppose Macron and Le Pen. The electorate of Jean-Luc Mélenchon well divided for this second round remains united for one thing, victory in June. The Insoumis have even called the Greens (EELV) and the Communists (PCF) and the Anticapitalists (NPA) to a union of the "popular bloc" for the legislative elections, thus excluding the Socialist Party from the new group of the left. All these parties, although having differences on the substance, are indeed in agreement on the union and are ready to all compromises for the victory.

Finally, on the right, a complex scenario is underway. Marine Le Pen and her RN and Emmanuel Macron and LREM seem to have nibbled away at the little space left to the Republicans to exist. Today, LR is on the same level as the PS: a "traditional" party of the "old world" that is falling apart... Valérie Pécresse has even called for donations from members to reimburse the campaign, which was far too expensive and will not be reimbursed because her score was below 5%. Philippe Poutou publicly amused himself by proposing to Mrs. Pécresse "to lend him his 308 to help out"...

In short, this divided France, worried about the five years to come and which proposes the "neither, neither", neither Macron, nor Le Pen, begins to think about what to do next and in particular to change the electoral system and the rules of the game for a more equal round... But this is not yet at the center of the debate, although Mélenchon tried to introduce it with the VIth Republic, it seems that the presidentialist regime that is the Fifth Republic is not ready to leave its place... Nevertheless, if they can't change it, the parties, especially those of the popular bloc, more than motivated to go further, thanks to the reserve of votes of the 1st round, can always try to go there. To go to the Assembly, to collect the majority and to make their voice heard in front of the bipartism of Le Pen-Macron.

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