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How to be aware from online scamming?

  • The internet is such an integral part of our lives that it can be easy sometimes to forget that not everyone we encounter online has our best interests at heart. Internet scams are an ever-present threat, with hackers and cybercriminals doing their best to stay one step ahead of internet users. Staying informed of the risks and how to combat them is the best way to keep safe. Here is a list of the top online scams and how to avoid getting duped.

1. Job offer scams.

  • Job offer scams increased during the coronavirus pandemic. In this scam, you receive an unsolicited email offering a job, When you accept, you are paid by check or money order for an amount greater than your "employer" offered. You are then asked to send back the difference, only to discover the original check or money order was fake, and you're out of the money you sent to your fake employer.

How to avoid job offer scams ?

  • If you decide to accept work, never cash suspicious checks without ensuring they are authentic. To be sure, ask your bank to place a hold on the funds until the check or money order is verified.

2. Online dating scams.

  • Romance scams are on the rise. You meet someone through a dating app or website, you start to get to know each other, and it can feel authentic. However, you can never be sure who is on the other side of your screen.

3. Social media scams.

  • Or perhaps you receive a random friend request on Instagram from a fraudster posing as someone you may know, who then sends you a phishing link that takes you to a malicious site.

  • Perhaps you download an app on social media which you think is legitimate, but in fact downloads malware onto your device.

How to avoid social media scams ?

  • Avoid quizzes and never click on pop-up messages or posts that contain content that seems either shocking or else too good to be true. Don’t click on links or open attachments in unsolicited messages.

  • If a product is advertised at an incredibly low price that seems too good to be true, that’s a clear warning sign. Another sign is if the other party insists on immediate payment or payment by electronic funds transfer or a wire service.

  • Never accept any unsolicited repair advice, and do not purchase any repair services unless you are sure who you are speaking with. Do not allow anyone remote access to your computer.

Tips on how to avoid internet scams:

1. Beware of any requests for your details or money.

2. Be alert to phishing scams.

3. Use strong passwords.

4.7. Avoid streaming from unknown websites.

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