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Writer's pictureMattéo Anthonioz

Zemmour : the mystery of 2022's presidential

For several months, Eric Zemmour, the extreme right-wing polemicist has been stirring up more and more crowds and leaving a doubt around a potential candidacy in 2022...

It is already since the end of June-beginning of July, that Eric Zemmour lets float this feeling of indecision around a probable candidacy of his part for the presidential election of 2022. It all started with posters posted in several large French cities, around June 29, 2021. At that precise moment, all the media wondered about the reality behind these posters "Zemmour President! Indeed, for some time the polemicist of CNews had been talking about a possible declaration of candidacy, while remaining rather vague on the subject.

From that moment on, the whole far right wondered about a possible alliance with Marine Le Pen or a frontal opposition, which could destabilize the RN candidate for the presidential elections and, potentially, divide the far right electorate. But it is not only on the far right that questions are being asked. Indeed, the whole political class is either delighted or castigated by this first partisan act. The director of the newspaper Le Figaro, Etienne Mougeotte, is said to have told Eric Zemmour that if the temptation to run for office was fulfilled, the latter would not remain a journalist at Le Figaro.

In reality, a few days later, we learned that these posters had nothing official and that it was only a militant act organized by some of Zemmour's supporters. He denies this rumor and says that he does not know yet if he will be a presidential candidate.

Despite the fact that he has not yet declared his candidacy, Eric Zemmour is still relatively well suited to the campaign game. Indeed, he participates in debates (everyone remembers the one in which he was opposed to Jean-Luc Mélenchon on BFMTV), he makes speeches, gives interviews. Everything could lead one to believe that he is a candidate, but he is not.

Moreover, he does not hide his desire to run, especially since he has polls to his glory, several polls had placed him in the second round against Emmanuel Macron, only, several obstacles present themselves to him. Firstly, he can have local elected officials who are committed to his cause, only, to run, he must collect five hundred signatures called "sponsorships". Secondly, he does not have a solid and faithful electoral base at the moment. And it is quite normal, until now he was "simple" polemicist who was on television. Finally, he is not alone on his side of the political spectrum, Marine Le Pen is already well anchored in the far-right electorate and tries to make Zemmour look like the radical, while she presents herself as the candidate of the gathering.

In fact, Zemmour is divided between the desire to go and the current inability to do so. However, it is not excluded that future events will shake up the political field and thus turn things in his favor...

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